Skiing and snowboarding in Queenstown The Remarkables and Coronet Peak

 Snowboarding / Skiing In Queenstown (Tips & Tricks)

Being an extreme sports country, skiing or snowboarding in New Zealand is simply another thing to do for the locals and visitors alike. While New Zealand weather conditions are not known to make the perfect ‘powdery’ snow (it’s more common to get ‘icy’ snow here), it’s still one of the best places to ski in the Southern hemisphere. Professional skiers and snowboarders also fly all the way to New Zealand for its unique environment and to compete for the world championships.

The Remarkables & Coronet Peak Ski Fields

Skiing in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area

There are numerous unique ski fields (like the rustic club fields with classic nutcracker rope tows) around the country, but most skiers could just make the most of their experience from the two accessible world-class ski fields in Queenstown. The Remarkables Ski AreaCoronet Peak Ski Area are well-facilitated ski fields just a short drive or bus ride from the town center.

Getting To The Ski Fields

Coronet Peak Ski Area Parking Viewpoint

By Driving (2WD & 4WD):

It is possible to drive your car all the way up to the ski fields, but only on certain weather and road conditions. You can check the daily weather and road condition reports from The RemarkablesCoronet Peak road status websites. There are also electronic billboards at the base before the road up the mountains. It will state whether snow chains are needed up there (you need to bring snow chains with you in your car even if it’s not needed), or if it’s drivable only with a 4WD vehicle. Sometimes, you could drive to a lower car park (the crew will tell you what to do), and a free shuttle bus will take you up to the ski field.

By Shuttle Bus:

You take the ski fields shuttle bus (must book in advance from the website) which will take you from town center (or from the base parking before the road up the mountain) directly to the ski field building entrance.

By Hitchhiking / Sharing A Ride From The Base:

It is a good thing that the ski fields encourage carpooling and have set up a simple ‘pickup spot’ at the base parking of The RemarkablesCoronet Peak Road. Simply stand and wait at the ‘pickup spot’ sign, do the hitchhiking hand sign as cars pass by, and someone will stop and pick you up. I have tried this method a few times and it usually takes less than a couple minutes before someone stops and asks to hop on. It’s the same thing when coming back down from the ski fields, just wait around the exit of the car park at the top. There is also a New Zealand Winter Sports Car Pooling Social Network called Snow Riders.

But First… Rent Your Ski/Snowboard Equipment From Ski Hire NZ

Snowboarding in Queenstown Premium Snowboard Rental
Snowboarding in Queenstown Snowboard Rental

Yes, you can rent all your equipment on the mountain from the ski field center, but I prefer renting them from Ski Hire NZ. I find their rental equipment always of the best quality and well-cleaned. They have a wide range of standard and premium skis and snowboards to fit your riding styles and experience levels, and it’s cheaper than hiring from the ski fields.

The best thing that kept me coming back was their friendly staff members and wholesome customer services. The staff are always happy to see me back at the store, asking about my snowboarding session and providing feedback on my next run. As I leveled up my snowboarding experience, they actively proposed and introduced more advanced types of snowboards as my confidence grew. As I visited the store more, they sometimes gave me a premium snowboard even though I booked a standard one. (the premium snowboard took me some time to get used to, it’s more sensitive hence easier to ‘catch-an-edge’ and fall, but once my skills reached a level, I could really feel the ‘premium’ factor and the precision it provides)

Another benefit from renting your equipment there is that you can pick up the items a day before your run. With that, you save on the waiting time lining up at the ski field, trying on the boots to find the right fit, and waiting for the ski field staff to assemble your bindings.

By booking online, you can get a 10% discount by using the coupon code ‘ONLINE10’ when checking out. It also gets cheaper the more consecutive days you are renting.

How To Save Money Skiing / Snowboarding In New Zealand

We all know skiing and snowboarding is not a cheap sport anywhere in the world. However, don’t let the cost factor be a blockage to this awesome sport! There are many ways you could save money and spend only the minimal to ski at The Remarkables or Coronet Peak:

  • It’s free to enter the mountains: The ski fields and mountains themselves are actually open to the public and are free to enter. When you buy your ski pass, you are paying for the ski lift services that take you up the slope to ski back down.
Snowboarding in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area Beginners

If you are still a beginner learning the basics, you don’t really need the ski pass if you could just walk a short distance up the learners slope. This could save you a few days of ski pass if you’re learning from scratch (unless you’re booking the training sessions then the ski pass is included).

Skiing in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area Off Piste

Heck, you can even climb all the way to the tallest peaks if you’re up for it. That’s what off-piste riders do.

  • Self-driving / Hitchhiking: If you don’t have a car or if it’s not suitable for the day’s road condition up the mountain, hitching a ride is easy! There are ride sharing pickup spots at the bottom of the mountains. (Details explained in the previous section)
  • Rent (Not From The Ski Field) or Buy Your Own 2nd-Hand Gears (From A Local Op Shop): As mentioned above, I like renting the gears from Ski Hire NZ as their prices are cheaper yet the quality is more superior than the ski fields’. If you’re going to ski a lot, though, it might be best if you own your own gears rather than paying the rent every time you ski (gotta learn how to wax & care for your ski / snowboard). Also, stores and ski fields don’t rent helmets, snow gloves, or goggles (probably due to hygiene factors). I bought a second-hand helmet, pair of snow gloves and goggles from Queenstown’s Happiness House Community Support Centre, everything for less than $50. They had lots of second-hand skis, shoes and bindings too.
  • Get Beginner’s Ski Pass As You Improve: After you are ready to level up your skill, you can then start with getting a beginner’s ski pass, which is cheaper than a full ski pass. The beginner’s pass limits you to beginner’s level lifts, but they are all you need until you become confident with more advanced slopes.
Skiing in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area Beginners Magic Carpet
Snowboarding in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area Shadow Basin Chairlift

Use this time to also get used to getting on and off the ‘magic carpet’ and lifts.

  • Season Pass or not?: If you are sure you are going to ski frequently for the whole season, then getting a season pass will save cost for you instead of buying individual day passes. If you are not sure or just started trying out this new sport, then it’s safer to get day passes first.
  • Cheaper Alternative – Spring Pass: Instead of getting the full season pass, you could get the much cheaper spring pass that is available at the end of winter. The ski fields usually operate till early-mid spring so that gives you 1+ months of sessions after winter. The snow usually still stays pretty good in early spring, and more ‘buttery’ or ‘slushy’ near the end of season.
Pond Skimming The Remarkables Ski Area
Pond Skimming The Remarkables Ski Area

You also get to watch (or participate) the pond-skimming closing tradition at The Remarkables on the last day of ski season.

  • Learn From Your Buddies: There are classes you can book with the ski field but I’ve never tried them before. I was fortunate to have an awesome housemate who excels at snowboarding and also smashed it at teaching me who never snowboarded before. Then, a snowboard champion from France, Noémie Equy, came to compete for the Winter Games Freeride World Tour (in which she won first place) moved in and stayed with us for the season. We went to snowboard together sometimes and it was such an honor to be coached and guided by a legend!

Shadow Basin Lookout / Remarkables Ultimate View Point

Snowboarding in Queenstown The Remarkables Ski Area Shadow Basin

The Shadow Basin Chairlift takes riders to the advanced tracks which are definitely not for beginners!

Shadow Basin Sightseeing Pass

However, the ski field offers a sightseeing return ride on the iconic Shadow Basin chairlift on certain time schedules (if weather permits, check with the staff at the building counter).

The Remarkables Ski Area Shadow Basin Chair

With this sightseeing ride, you get to hop onto the chairlift (without ski / snowboard) and land on the Shadow Basin top for amazing views and snowplay. (P.s. To take the lift you need either a full pass, or a cheaper sightseeing pass you can buy from the counter)

The Remarkables Ski Area Shadow Basin

Dropping off at the top of Shadow Basin, some riders start skiing down the steep slopes, while some continue climbing further for other tracks or for more off-piste terrains. There’s a flat snowy land close to the lift landing area where non-skiing sightseers can have fun.

Hiking to Shadow Basin Lookout

Right ahead of the lift landing zone you will find the pathway to the Shadow Basin Lookout (or Remarkables Ultimate View Point in Google Maps). There may be some signages or visible paths to guide your way.

The Remarkables Ski Area Shadow Basin Lookout

At a cliffy corner just before the final push to the lookout peak. Take care not to venture too close to the cliff drop.

Hiking to Shadow Basin Lookout

Final push to the lookout point. The climb takes around 15-20 minutes one way.

Shadow Basin Lookout
Shadow Basin Lookout Remarkables Ultimate View Point
Shadow Basin Lookout Remarkables Ultimate View Point
Shadow Basin Lookout Remarkables Ultimate View Point
Shadow Basin Lookout Remarkables Ultimate View Point

The lookout point offers a dynamic view of the snow-capped mountains, steer cliffs, and the town below. It’s possible to climb to this spot during the off-ski-season but the chairlifts will not be operating, so you have to climb on foot all the way from the car park.

frozen fence

Fences are installed around the lookout to prevent people from walking too far off to the unstable snow cliffs.

Shadow Basin Lookout

On the way back down.

Lake Alta

Lake Alta The Remarkables Ski Area

Another point of interest is Lake Alta. First, you can take the Alta Chairlift (accessible with beginner’s pass) or climb on-foot to the top of the chairlift drop-off zone. Next, continue uphill on-foot over some hills (you may ask the staff at the lift station for directions) until you see a wide flat area (or a lake during summer, also known as Dimrill Dale & Mirrormere, the film location for The Lord of The Rings). An alternative way for expert riders is to take the Shadow Basin chairlift, and then ride the advanced (double black diamond level) track down to the lake.

Lake Alta The Remarkables Ski Area
Lake Alta The Remarkables Ski Area
Lake Alta The Remarkables Ski Area

In winter, Lake Alta is frozen and covered with thick snow, creating a wide flat snow field.

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