The Lightning Tree close to Castle Hill is the remains of a dead tree that I suppose was struck by lightning. It is located in the Southern side of Craigieburn Forest Park.
Trailheads to Lightning Tree (Hogs Back Track)
那 Lightning Tree can be reached via both the southern end and northern end trailheads of Hogs Back Track. The southern end trailhead at the road end car park of Castle Hill Dr in Castle Hill Village is the shortest way to reach the Lightning Tree. The northern end trailhead at Texas Flat Car Park sets you up for a longer route but it goes through some pretty scenic spots.
Hogs Back Track via Castle Hill Village (southern end)
6.35pm: Trailhead entrance to Hogs Back Track at the road end of Castle Hill Village.
The first section of the track goes uphill through beech forest.
(+18)6.53pm: Then, the track leaves the forest onto Long Spur open flats.
(+15)7.08pm: Arrived at the Lightning Tree.
The Lightning Tree
The Lightning Tree has almost a perfect 90 degree angle collapsing from its broken truck.
A closer look.
Some different angles.
This shot looks like a monster from a fantasy video game.
Hogs Back Track via Texas Flat Car Park (northern end)
5.58pm: For this track I went on a different day, I’ve only hiked up to the Picnic Rock Lookout, but it can be used to reach the Lightning Tree (about triple the distance to Picnic Rock). Here is the Texas Flat Car Park with the signboard to Hogs Back Track.
(+3)6.01pm: Walk a few minutes along the gravel road until you see the trailhead zigzagging up the hill to your left.
(+10)6.11pm: After heading up the hill, the track goes through some forest sections. You could also take a trail to your left to hike up and over Hogs Back Ridge.
(+9)6.20pm: Then, some open-sky tracks.
(+12)6.32pm: Arrived at Picnic Rock Lookout.
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