Brewster Hut Track to Brewster Glacier

Brewster Track: Fantail Falls to Brewster Hut to Brewster Glacier

Brewster Track is an advanced tramping track through unabridged river, steep beech forest, and alpine terrains. The marked track ends at Brewster Hut where you can stay for a night (booking required), or have lunch before heading back down or towards the glacier. In winter and spring, the track is only suitable for experienced mountaineers with the right skills and equipment.

The route to Brewster Glacier is unmarked, guided only by cairns and goat tracks. It typically takes around 2 hours from Brewster Hut to Brewster Glacier, and another 2 hours back to the hut. You should only attempt to hike beyond the hut to the glacier if you are an experienced mountaineer or with an experienced group. Many people have had to be rescued from the area.

Fantail Falls Car Park to Brewster Track

Fantail Falls Car Park Brewster Hut Trailhead

9.55am: The track to Brewster Hut starts from Fantail Falls Car Park. The limited parking area wasn’t too small but there were many cars from day hikers, overnighters, and Fantail Falls visitors who parked there. Fantail Falls is just a couple minutes walk away, where I will drop by at the end of my hike back down.

Brewster Hut Track River Crossing

9.56am: Brewster Track starts right away with its one and only river crossing. The unabridged Haast River is usually low (ankle height) on a dry day, but can quickly and drastically change by rainfall or snowmelt. Being able to cross the river at the start of your hike doesn’t mean it will be crossable when you return from your hike. Make sure to check the weather forecast before you start the hike. If rain is expected, postpone your trip to another day. Do not attempt to cross the flooded river. Be ready for delays with spare food, emergency shelter and clothing, just in case you need to wait for the river to drop.

Haast River to Brewster Track

Brewster Hut Track River Crossing Trailhead

10.03am: Enter the forest track marked by a big orange triangle.

Brewster Hut Track

(+3)10.06am: Right away a steep climb consistent for the next 30 minutes.

Brewster Hut Track


Brewster Hut Track


Brewster Hut Track
Brewster Hut Track

(+10)10.36am: A section of flat track as you climb onto the forest ridgeline and walk along it.

Brewster Hut Track

(+3)10.39am: Magical terrain

Brewster Hut Track

(+7)10.46am: Here comes more inclination.

Brewster Hut Track


New Zealand native long legged harvestman with huge lobster claws

A tiny New Zealand native long-legged harvestman with a pair of huge claws!

Brewster Hut Track

(+19)11.09am: Rugged but beautiful forest terrains.

Brewster Hut Track

(+11)11.20am: Near the end of the forest section.

Over The Bushline

Brewster Hut Track
Brewster Hut Track

(+1)11.21am: Leaving the forest over the bushline.

Brewster Hut Track
Brewster Hut Track

(+5)11.26am: Constant uphill through snow grass bushes.

Brewster Hut Track

(+6)11.32am: Don’t forget to look back for an amazing 180° view.

Mount Brewster
Mount Brewster waterfalls

(+5)11.37am: The first view of Mount Brewster (I think) with waterfalls flowing down the rock face.

Mount Brewster


Brewster Hut Track
Brewster Hut Track

(+4)11.42am: Hike along the narrow ridge.

Mount Brewster Peak

(+2)11.44am: First sight of Mount Brewster peak uncovered by the clouds.

Brewster Hut Track

(+7)11.51am: Approaching Brewster Hut, you will spot the toilet first before the actual hut.

Brewster Hut (~1,450m)

Brewster Hut

(+8)11.59am: Arrived at Brewster Hut!

Brewster Hut Track toilet kea
Brewster Hut toilet kea

My attention immediately shifted to the cheeky kea who’s screaming and trying to pry open the toilet vent.

Brewster Hut Kea
Brewster Hut Kea

These cute and cheeky kea are the world’s only species of alpine parrots, endangered and protected. They can fly from sea level to the alpine peaks. Kea are smart and they thrive in the harsh mountain terrains.

Brewster Hut Kea
Brewster Hut Kea

A few more kea roaming around the area. Look at their beautiful olive green feathers (and the bright red orange underwings from the previous photo)!

Brewster Hut Kitchen
Brewster Hut bunk

Bunk beds and kitchen / common room in Brewster Hut. Make sure to book in advance if you plan to stay here.

Brewster Hut to Brewster Glacier

Brewster Glacier Track
Brewster Glacier Track

12.34pm: After my lunch break in the hut, I headed off to Brewster Glacier. It is an unmarked route starting from the back of the hut, guided only by cairns (stacks of rocks) and some worn paths. Please ensure you have the right experience and make a good decision along the way whether to continue or not.

Brewster Hut

(+8)12.41pm: Brewster Hut looked too epic from here!

Brewster Glacier Track


Brewster Glacier Track

(+7)12.51pm: The route to Brewster Glacier begins with climbing snow grass covered hills…

Brewster Glacier Track

(+15)1.06pm: …to rocky alpine terrains that barely show the worn paths.

Brewster Glacier Track

(+2)1.08pm: An example of a cairn marker.

Brewster Glacier Track

A glimpse of the glacier behind the clouds, over the hill.

Brewster Glacier Track

(+11)1.29pm: Can you see the path?

Brewster Glacier Track


Brewster Glacier (1,650m)

Brewster Glacier Viewpoint

(+6)1.48pm: Voila, what a view! The bedrock around Brewster Glacier terminal lake, exposed by 20th Century ice retreat, is an exceptional example of how glaciers sculpt landscapes.

Brewster Glacier Lookout
Brewster Glacier Track

Now, to reach the glacier, the path goes down steeply through a slippery scree slope.

Brewster Glacier Track

(+22)2.10pm: Once at the bottom, the path becomes easier to walk on but be careful of some slippery rock faces. Also, memorize the route you walk so you know the way back, as it can be confusing to find the path back to the hut.

Brewster Glacier Track

(+4)2.14pm: A close look at the rock faces reveal scratch marks and arm-wide grooves. You’ll also find streamlined rock mounds which look smooth if looking down the valley, but rough if looking towards the glacier.

Brewster Glacier Track


Brewster Glacier Track


Brewster Glacier

Ice cold glacier river created by meltwater.

Brewster Glacier
Brewster Glacier

(+3)2.28pm: Approaching the epic glacier!

Brewster Glacier
Brewster Glacier

Brewster Glacier is a relatively small cirque glacier, at 3 kilometers long (and receding).

Brewster Glacier Cave
Brewster Glacier Cave
Brewster Glacier Cave

A glacier cave

Brewster Glacier Tunnel

Hmm… Not gonna cross under it. (Look at the crack line on the left)

Brewster Glacier

A group of climbers there recommended that I go and check out the right end side of the glacier, and I’m glad they did!

Brewster Glacier
Brewster Glacier
Brewster Glacier

Epic shots of the wall of ice!

The Journey Back

Brewster Glacier Kea

Spotted more kea on my way back to the hut. A few of them were play-fighting like cats (belly up with kicking legs)!

Brewster Hut

4.46pm: Yet another epic view of the hut as I returned.

Brewster Hut

(+8)4.54pm: Back to the hut. Looked like a big overnight group had arrived.

Haast River crossing

(1h54m)6.48pm: Back to the river crossing just before the car park. Fortunately there wasn’t rain and the water level remained crossable.

Fantail Falls Track

Fantail Falls

The beautiful Fantail Falls is just a short walk away! You do need to wade in knee-deep (unless when it’s flooded, then you shouldn’t be in the water) cold water to reach the waterfall, but it felt so good after a long hike!

Brewster Hut Fantail Falls car park

7pm: Back to the car park after a refreshing ice bath.

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