When I arrived at the car park at Hunua Ranges Regional Park, I started walking the 15 minutes Hunua Falls Loop Track right away, thinking that would take me to the falls. When I first entered the track, on the bridge, I got my first look at Hunua Falls from a distance down the river.
7 minutes later, I found out I was at a viewing spot where you can watch the falls from a higher, further spot.
Turns out, to reach Hunua Falls, the fastest way is to head to the path beside the public toilet, and you’ll reach the falls in a minute or two. Nevertheless, the forest loop track was a pleasant, enjoyable walk. There is also a longer 3 hours track, same entrance with the Hunua Falls loop track.
Howick Historical Village
I visited Howick Historical Village because I am a huge fan of Viva La Dirt League, especially their Epic NPC Man playlist, which often uses the various locations of this village museum as the main scenes of their hilarious videos. True fans of VLDL will instantly recognize the photo of the location above (and even hear “Helloooo Adventurer!” plus this music in their head).
Other familiar scenes I’ve seen from VLDL’s funny sketches. These buildings and environment are the representations of the mid-1800s settler village of Howick.
Each building has its own unique and interesting history.
You may find more details on the Howick Historical Village website.
I am glad to visit the village on a live-day, which usually happens once a month with different themes. During a live-day, there will be live performances, activities, workshops, and ‘villagers’ walking around the settlement. I even got to churn my own butter using the old ways!
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