Moke Lake Loop Track is a short and easy hiking track surrounded by mountains and it goes around Moke Lake. The lake’s unique curved shape with a peninsular sticking out into the center provides a variety of scenery as you walk the track.
Getting There: Moke Lake Car Park & Campsite
The journey to Moke Lake involves an 8-kilometer drive along a scenic unsealed gravel road. Although unsealed, the road was pretty smooth to drive on so it’s not a big deal to drive there with any kind of cars. The car park at Moke Lake is near Moke Lake Campsite 和 Moke Lake Horse Treks.
5.50pm: We decided to follow this sign beside the car park and walked it clockwise.
(+22)6.12pm: The track took us out to the main gravel road and we walked along the side until we saw the trailhead into Moke Lake Loop Track.
(+1)6.13pm: There were a couple unboarded, flooded sections on the wetland track and we got our shoes soaked.
(+7)6.20pm: A bit of mild uphill walk.
(+4)6.24pm: The lake view along the way.
(+11)6.35pm: At the peninsula part of the track, we took a side trip towards the sticking end of the land.
The view from the peninsula, surrounded 300° by the lake.
(+47)7.22pm: Beautiful reflection of the mountains on the calm lake, seen from the Western side of the loop track.
(+22)7.44pm: As we exited Moke Lake Loop Track at the Eastern end, we passed by the horse paddock with horses being curious to our presence.
(+7)7.51pm: View of the lake at Moke Lake Campsite as we walked back to the car park.
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