Mount Kinabalu | Malaysia’s & Borneo’s Highest
神山的高峰有海拔4095.2米,是沙巴最标志性的山,并且绝对是全国著名的山脉。 虽然它被认为具有挑战性,但广受欢迎的神山却是世界上最可征服的的山峰之一。
A quick search on the internet will show you various Mount Kinabalu packages, provided by many different tour companies. The prices for a basic 2D1N package you’ll find usually range from around RM1350-RM2000, some even goes up to RM3000+!
Of course, if you want to save the hassle and don’t mind the markup cost, a tour package is a convenient option. But to be honest, booking your trip directly is not as difficult as you might think! By booking directly, the cost (as of 2023) is as low as RM190 for the climb and RM254 for the accommodation and meals! That’s 4x cheaper than the average tour package!
If you go for the low cost method and book directly, the very first thing is to book an accommodation on Mount Kinabalu, at the area called Laban Rata / Panalaban, which is 2.7km away from and 800m below the peak. Laban Rata Resthouse was the most well-known accommodation there as everyone will have their meal there, regardless of which accommodation you stay at. The price, however, is on the higher end, RM1015 for Malaysian and RM1455 for International for a dorm. You can book directly with Sutera Santuary Lodges.
对于更便宜的住宿, 沙巴国家公园 offers Lemaing Hostel (RM364 including permit and insurance, for Malaysian only) and the new earthquake-proof Panalaban Hostels (Kinotoki & Mokodou Hostel, RM578 (Malaysian) – RM899 (International) including permit and insurance). Direct bookings with Sabah Parks can be made 这里.
如果您要在京那巴鲁山(Mount Kinabalu)进行 via ferrata 活动. The price was around RM1570-1860 depending on the via ferrata route, but it includes both the via ferrata activity and the stay in the very cozy Pendant Hut (excluding park fees). 在这里查看非常值得的 via ferrata 活动!
注意:由于出于森林保护原因,每天只允许165名登山者上山,加上这项活动非常受欢迎,您可能需要提前数月(甚至一年)预订住宿。 也许也还会有最后一刻的优惠,让您可以在登山前一个月或几个星期前预订。 此外,所有住宿配套包括餐点,无论您住在哪个住宿,所有或至少一个餐点(即第一天的自助晚餐)将在Laban Rata Resthouse进行。
预订好住宿后,您已保护了攀登神山的有限位置。 接下来的费用将是公园和攀登费,但仅在攀登当天付款。 请向沙巴公园游客中心(+6088 889 095) to confirm your slot. Below are the required and optional fees (updated and increased as of year 2023):
京那巴鲁国家公园保育费: | RM10 (Malaysian) / RM50 (International) |
攀登许可证: | RM100 (Malaysian) / RM400 (International) |
保险: | RM10 |
山导: | RM350 per guide, each guide is allowed to take a maximum of 5 climbers aged 16 years and above. Children aged below 16 years are required to get another mountain guide, who are allowed to take only 2 children per guide. |
登顶证书: | RM10 (到达Low’s Peak 山顶) / RM1 (未到达山顶) |
搬运工(背伕): | RM14 per kg |
往返京那巴鲁公园和Timpohon门的接送车: | 单人预定RM34 / 每人RM9(最少五位) |
因此,通过查看上述内容,如果您真的想将费用压缩到最低,总的公园费用将为RM106。 但是,要实现这一最低费用,您需要聚集五个人,以便分担登山向导的费用。 此外,您可选着预定从公园总部到起点-Timpohon门(单程5.5公里)之间的接送车,以节省时间和精力来攀登这座高山。
还有,如果没有预订旅行社的配套,则意味着您必须自行安排前往京那巴鲁公园的交通。 您可以轻松地租车,甚至向我那样, 租一辆摩托车环走沙巴 。 另一方面,可以使用小巴士或出租车等公共交通工具,但是在尝试返回城镇时却会比较困难。 如果您仍然热衷于乘坐公共交通工具,可以查看我的 京那巴鲁公园的文章.
与一些人的看法相反,您实际上不必带那么多东西上神山。 以下是您需要携带的物品清单。
在顶峰:将保暖外套和雨衣结合在一起,可以保暖和防风防雨。 管式围巾,我的头和脸部遮住令人骨寒的风。
- 保暖的衣装 such as a lightweight fleece jacket and hiking pants, plus a set for sleeping / chilling at the resthouse.
- 雨衣/防水外套 (山上的温度在6到-4摄氏度之间,您不会想要在下雨时被淋湿。) Hiking Raincoat that acts as both
- 登山鞋 确保鞋子抓地力好。也可以穿 Adidas Kampung(请注意,您不可穿Adidas Kampung进行 via ferrata 活动)
- 2-3双袜子
- 保暖手套 (再加上一双好抓的手套,以方便via ferrata活动或一般攀爬活动使用)
- 头巾/豆豆帽/连帽衫 (为防止热量流失(也建议使用一条围巾遮住脸部,阻挡山顶上的寒风))
- 小/轻质毛巾: Quick dry microfiber towel
- 个人洗护用品
- 拖鞋 (如果您住在Pendant Hut,他们将在您进入住宿之前为您提供一双拖鞋)
- 个人药品/急救箱 (Read: How to prepare a hiking first aid kit)
- 小水瓶 (您可以在所有休息站加水,这样就不必负担太重的水了。)
- 能量零食
- 小背包 将您的东西带到山顶(其他东西留在住宿)
- 手电筒/头灯 (while many recommend head torch, it is not necessary. I used a mini bicycle light attached to my finger and it was sufficient.) Recommended: Cheap & Powerful Rechargeable Headlight
- 一些现金 为了购买额外的小吃/饮料/纪念品(在山上没有信用卡设施或提款机)
- 登山杖 (不一定要带)
- 防晒用品 (不一定要带)
- 如果您不擅长进行登山活动,那么最好立即开始锻炼身体并习惯攀爬。 每周至少登山/远足一次,从 短暂简易 的,到 中等难度的登山远足活动。之后,您可以有信心地上到神山山顶。
- 开始攀爬之前,请进行足够的热身和伸展运动。 这些运动将产生巨大的变化,以防止抽筋或快速疲倦。
- 不要急着攻顶,大呼大吸是很累的,一旦呼吸开始变得沉重,就很难恢复稳定的呼吸。
- 每约1公里都有个休息站。 所有休息站都设有厕所。 您也可以在休息站加水(神山上直流的新鲜山水)。
- 专注于眼前的道路,而不是在想还有多远的路。
- 快速的小步比大大的慢步轻松。
- 我有个坏习惯,就是在“我的能量已空”时再拖一两公里。 不要学我。 当您感到饥饿或精力不足时,请吃一些能量零食。
- 在正常天气下,第一天的旅程并不那么寒冷,所以不要穿得太温暖。 实际上,我从Timpohon门出发的第一分钟就脱掉了外套,然后穿着背心一直爬到Laban Rata。
- 可能只有我觉得那样,但当我快速下山时,感觉较轻松。反而慢慢来的时候膝盖会有点痛。 总之跟着自己的节奏,快得来也不要让自己绊倒。
- 当您想要放弃时,想想一些顽皮的东西,继续走。
在开始攀爬之前,请在Kinabalu公园办公室(早上8点开放)进行注册。 在这里,您将支付许可证,山导和保险费,以及其他可选费用。
Timpohon 门
(+4)9.24am:Timpohon 门 – 山导向各自的小组进行简介。
(+12)9.45am:众所周知,阶梯路是神山步道的主要部分。 这就是为什么人们喜欢在攀登神山之前,在 Bukit Gasing的杀手阶梯 进行培训。
(+6)9.51am:到达了第一个休息站– Pondok Kandis。
在这里通常都会遇见到一些松鼠。 登山客倾向于喂食它们,但不建议这样做。
(+18)10.09am:第二个休息站- Pondok Ubah。
(+1)10.12am:越过一条狭窄的小山脊。 在这里,您可以看到两边大片的森林。
(+10)10.34am:第三个休息站– Pondok Lowii
(+11)11.03am:第四个休息站- Pondok Mempening。
(+15)11.32am:第五个休息站- Layang Layang。 大多数登山者都喜欢在这里停下来吃点东西。
(+6)11.43am:这条路从阶梯变成了石阶。 有趣的是,您还将观察到植物从低地雨林到高山森林的快速变化。
(+3)下午12.18:第六个休息站- Pondok Villosa。
(+2)12.27pm:距Panalaban 800米。
(+4)12.31pm:距Panalaban 700米。 此时,我感到非常缓慢和“懒惰”。
(+10)12.41pm:第七个(最后一个)休息站– Pondok Paka,在这里又看见了几只松鼠。
(+11)12.52pm:5.5公里标记,海拔3137米。 距Panalaban 500米。
(+7)12.59pm:距Panalaban 400米。
Panalaban / Laban Rata
(+28)1.27pm:在山区办公室报告之后,我终于到达了Panalaban / Laban Rata半山! 我从Timpohon门到达这里共用了4个小时。
是时候去我的住宿报道了。预订via ferrata活动,我的住宿是Pendant Hut。请看看我另一则帖子: 神山钢线攀登活动(Mount Kinabalu via Ferrata)!
到傍晚时分,来自不同住宿的登山客将在Laban Rata Resthouse享用提早的自助晚餐,因为您将在半夜开始攻顶。
2.42am:离开住宿开始攻顶。 提醒:进行一些热身和伸展运动,否则一旦开始攀爬,可能会很快累。
木制阶梯一直到Sayat Sayat检查站。
Sayat Sayat检查站
(+34)3.36am:我花了将近一个小时的时间到达Sayat Sayat 检查站(一路跟随登山者们)。 我到达检查站时还过早,所以在那儿与一群登山者和向导们逗留了一下。
4.10am:开始真正的攀登。 这里没有阶梯了,只有岩壁。 一条白色的绳索将我们引向正确的方向。
(+25)4.43am:8公里标记,海拔3929米。 在冰冻温度下缓慢上山。 看见有人严重抽筋。
(+19)5.02am:8.5公里标记,海拔4008米。 当时真是阴冷多风,幸运的是风从背后吹来,而不是吹向我的脸,所以我的连帽外套挡住了大部分的风。
神山最高点:Low’s Peak
(+18)5.20am:最后,在零下温度攀爬1小时10分钟之后。 我在太阳出来之前到达了最高峰。 您可能想知道为什么最高峰被命名为“Low's(低)”? 不,这不是具有讽刺意味的名字,而是以Hugh Low的名字命名的。Hugh Low在1851年进行了神山首次记载的攀登。
5.35am:破晓! 注意到山后白色河流般的背景吗? 那不是河,而是云!
你知道吗? 这座经常被拍照为京那巴鲁山主要写照的著名岩壁经常被误认为是最高峰。 实际上这是从Low’s Peak下来时会看到的South Peak(南峰)。
6.15am:该下去进行我的 via ferrata 活动了。
St John Peak– 注意到那里有一张脸吗?
回望 Low’s Peak
这看起来熟悉吗? 是的,那是印在一百令吉和旧一令吉钞票上的背景。
参加 via ferrata 活动 的我们没有像其他人一样往下走,而是走到一边,聚集在起点,进行惊险的4-5小时“攀岩”。
接下来请看看: 我在世界最高的Via Ferrata上的冒险旅程!
这是我一部分的 30天环游沙巴摩托之旅
帖子有帮到您吗?在您的登山故事和帖子中标记 @meowtainpeople 吧!
透明度万岁!:以上链接是会员链接,如果您用此链接购买或预订的话,我可以赚取佣金, 而你也不会被收取额外费用。 我只推荐我使用的产品和公司。您的支持可以帮助我保持网站的运行,让我继续用心分享🙂
想在您的网站进行相同的联属网络营销吗?用这个 AccessTrade 平台链接 获取 RM5 奖励。
*地球队长经过* 记住,请保护我们的环境,请勿破坏大自然。不要留下任何垃圾,只带回照片和回忆(如果可以的话,还可以捡走一些垃圾)。请在指定的路径上行走,并尽量保持在中间行走,以使裸露的土壤不会进一步扩散/腐蚀。与大自然融为一体吧 *飞走了*
Hi Jenn, may I ask after you booked the room, how did you hire the guide ? On day 1 at the Kinabalu park office itself right before hiking ?
Hi Huan. Yes, you hire the guide on day 1 at the park office before your climb. Happy climbing!
Hi, may you suggest the best way to travel back to Kota Kinabalu from Sabah Park?
Hi Shiuh Jer, you may find the transport info in my Kinabalu Park here:
I’ve scaled Mount Kinabalu for the 3rd time last month, the last one about 20 years ago, I’m not a keen hiker but here in Sabah, it’s hard to resist the temptation about this well preserved nature. It’s obvious that I didn’t make it to Lows Peak, literally the deja vu from previous trip here, really worn me out. Sometimes I feel sad as I’m alone now, it’s not easy to convince my friends, to relive our feats at 60s, some even call this, suicidal stance. Probably ageing factor…idk. The thrill is gone for me there but I treasure the journey very much. Anyway the mute testimony from previous earthquake is imminent, I find it rather amusing that it’s doesn’t affected people enthusiasts, to test their limits here. The infrastructure to accommodate thrill seekers, is obvious but I find it rather congested. Then I find it runs on a control manner, in order to not disrupt the nature. Anyway I find that your article is alluring to comment here….stay safe, keep up your good work…😁🙏
Well done, Paksuman! It’s all about the journey and I applaud your accomplishment!
Hi! Very informative post. May I just clarify, that if I manage to book accommodation at Laban Rata guesthouse, does that mean I’m guaranteed a climbing permit for that day? Or is that still not guaranteed, and I have to make a call to confirm? And can I only make a call to confirm one month before the climb? It seems that they give out climbing permits prioritizing 3D2N packages and via ferrata, and 2D1N ones have to do so only one month before? Argh, it’s all so complicated!
Hi, as I know, your climbing slot is secured within the quota as long as you have booked any of the accommodations on Panalaban / Laban Rata, but just to be sure, it is best to double confirm with a call. You don’t need to wait until a month before the climb to call the office.
I don’t think they are prioritizing any packages. Everything is booked within the quota, as long as you’ve successfully made your booking, they will have to issue to you the permits when you pay it at the park office on the climbing day.
Very Helpful content!
Thanks Santosh, you have an amazing trek and expedition team!
Firstly, thank you for sharing these helpful info. May I know if the guide hiring is compulsory? If I climb alone and hire a guide, will he be guiding me solo or he will include other unknown ppl too?
Thank you very much
Hi KC. Yes, it is compulsory to have a guide to climb Mount Kinabalu. If you hire a guide just for yourself, the guide will just be guiding you alone (unless if they change their policy).
Hi Jenn, thanks for the useful info! I have been looking for this piece of info but couldn’t seem to find a definitive answer, not sure if you have this info as well.
If I am interested for the via Ferrata activity, is it a must to book an accommodation at Pendant Hut? Or can I stay at other (cheaper) accommodation but still book/walk-in for via Ferrata activity? As I am aware that the check-out time will be delayed if I were to take via Ferrata activity, so not sure if other accommodation can cater to the timing.
Thanks in advance!
Hi YC, thanks for reading!
Sorry for the late reply. Yes you can stay at other accommodation and do the via Ferrata activity. Usually through the walk-in method depending on availability but do reach out to MountainTorq to see if you can book it. 😀
Would like to ask about your climb to Mount Kinabalu.
Do you stay at KK or at the foot of the mountain the night before the climb? Would you know of any accommodations at the foot?
The closest accommodation would be the Sutera Sanctuary Lodges as they are located within Kinabalu Park itself. There are also many nearby accommodations you can find via
Also, check out which was the place I stayed before and after my Mount Kinabalu climb.
Hi, Would like to ask if we drive by our own, shall we park our car at the regstration office and take the shuttle bus offered to the Timphon gate? Or shall we just drive directly to the gate? No sure about the price of bus and the parking accessibility. Thanks!
Hi, the road on the way to Timpohon Gate has very limited car park at the side of the road. There are ample of parking just outside the park. Bus shuttle round-trip price is RM35 per pax, or RM10 per pax for 4 pax and above. Distance to Timpohon Gate from Kinabalu Park office is around 4km+.
For DIY mountain climb, are we allowed to share the cost of guide with other random climbers at the counter?
Yup, you can share a guide with others if it’s within the maximum number of climbers per guide.
Thank you so much for actively replying, despite the fact that this post has been almost over a year 😀
How will we able to look for the others who are willing to share the cost of guide? Do we ask the counter to be assigned with others or do we try our luck by asking random climbers?
You’re welcome 😀
Yeah you have to go around asking random people outside the park office if they are open to combine the group into one guide, can be difficult as most people have a full group but not impossible.
Best of luck!