Diamond Lake Conservation Area is located near Lake Wanaka. It is often overlooked by common tourists but an excellent recreation spot for walkers/hikers and even rock climbers. In my opinion, this is a much better alternative (easier and more scenic) to the touristy Roys Peak (but the Roys Peak trip is still worthy for fit hikers to continue up to Mount Alpha). There are multiple tracks to explore around the conservation area, and you can walk it all in one go.
The tracks look like a triple-O loop so you could make your way back via a different side. The four tracks include: Diamond Lake Loop Track (shortest, 30 minutes loop), Lake Wanaka Lookout Track (1-1.5 hours return), Lower Circuit Track (1.5-2 hours loop), and Rocky Mountain Track (3-4 hours loop doing all the other loops). As each track or loop joins with the next further one, you would go through all of them (except for Lake Wanaka Lookout Track) if you are going to the further one, which is Rocky Mountain Track.
Diamond Lake Conservation Area Parking & Trailhead
Diamond Lake Conservation Area car park is right at the trailhead.
2pm: Right at the start of the walk, you are already surrounded by beautiful bushes and mountains.
On this trip, I did all the tracks in a clockwise direction, in the order of Diamond Lake Loop Track -> Lower Circuit Track (West) -> Rocky Mountain Track -> Lower Circuit Track (East) -> Lake Wanaka Lookout -> Diamond Lake Loop Track.
Duration from start to finish: Around 2.5 hours
Diamond Lake Loop Track
A mix of dirt tracks and stairs at the beginning sections. Many parts would be exposed to the sun, so putting on a hat or sunscreen is recommended.
(+20)2.20pm: Arrived at Diamond Lake Viewpoint.
Diamond Lake
Diamond Lake Conservation Area Lower Circuit Track
(+4)2.24pm: At the junction where you can take either the left or the right of Lower Circuit Track. I recommend going up via the left (West side) and back down from the East side as you’ll get nicer views coming back down.
(+2)2.26pm: The West side has more shade and rocky tracks (while the East is more of a grassy goat track). Both sides are equally steep but in a different manner.
(+20)2.46pm: Turn left as you approach a rock wall.
(+8)2.54pm: Out onto the open trail.
Rocky Mountain Track
(+1)2.55pm: Making my way to Rocky Mountain Track (also taking the left, doing it clockwise).
(+13)3.08pm: Some uphill sections and little scramblings before the peak.
(+8)3.16pm: Arrived at Rocky Mountain Peak.
This peak features great panoramic views of the Southern Alps, Mount Aspiring ranges and Lake Wanaka.
3.22pm: Heading back down: The trail from the east side can be found Northwards below the peak.
The views when heading down via the east side are spectacular, which is why I recommend doing it clockwise.
(+4)3.26pm: In contrast to the rocky and shady west side trail, the east side trail is an open grassy goat track.
(+11)3.53pm: Steep
Lake Wanaka Viewpoint
(+4)3.57pm: Down to the junction to Lake Wanaka Viewpoint.
(+6)4.03pm: The view from Lake Wanaka Viewpoint.
(+33)4.36pm: Back to the car park.
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