While the North Egmont Visitor Center may be more popular due to its direct access to the Mount Taranaki Summit Track, don’t give Dawson Falls Visitor Center a skip as it offers a larger variety of beautiful trails from easy to challenging walks. Some of the most popular easy tracks here include the Wilkies Pool, the Goblin Forest, and of course, Dawson Falls. For the tough and challenging yet most rewarding climb, check out my climb to Fanthams Peak and Syme Hut via Dawson Falls Visitor Center!
Dawson Falls
The Dawson Falls is a beautiful waterfall just 400m / 10 minutes walk away from the visitor center. You can view the waterfall from a distance at the lookout point, or walk down the short stepped track to the base of Dawson Falls.
On the way to Dawson Falls track, you may visit the Historic Dawson Falls Power Station, just 70m / 2 minutes walk off the road. The power generator was installed in 1934 to power the Dawson Falls road end and still does today with some help from the National Grid.
Wilkies Pools
Another popular one is the Wilkies Pools Loop Track. The main track to the pools are well laid/boarded and is more stroller/wheelchair friendly. It took me about 20 minutes to reach the pools.
The Wilkies Pools consist of multi-tiered streams with collections of pristine blue pools on each level. You could also see the majestic Mount Taranaki on a clear day.
There are many pools for you to explore as you climb higher along the stream.
You may choose to return via the same main track, or do a loop to the exit. The loop track offers a more pristine mossy forest environment, with multiple mini falls and streams along the path. It took me about 30 minutes to reach the exit.
Goblin Forest
The ‘Goblin Forest’ is called that way due to the moss-covered crooked branches of the Kāmahi trees.
You can find the Goblin Forest all over the tracks around Dawson Falls Visitor Center and Egmont National Park, including the Wilkies Pool Track, but I found them most concentrated and beautiful along the beginning of Syme Hut Track to Fanthams Peak / Lake Dive.
Passing through Stratford on the way back, I refueled my tummy at my favorite Chinese restaurant at KY Fast Food & Restaurant.
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