Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Hiking Guide

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik | Slippery Cool Trail + Feisty Leeches

Despite its name, Bukit Repin (Repin Hill) could actually be categorized as a mountain with a height of 1341 meters above sea level. Moreover, this ‘tall hill’ shall not be underestimated, as it could easily be tougher than the neighboring Gunung Nuang via Janda Baik. Although the peak is located in Selangor, the most common and shortest route (~5km one way) is via Janda Baik, in Bentong, Pahang. Other routes include the long via Kemensah trail (~15km one way), via Lepoh Waterfall (~6km), or even through Trans Nuang – Lentang Legong – Repin.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik

Hiking Permit Application

To enter Bukit Repin via Janda Baik trail, you need to apply for a forest permit from Bentong Forestry. Their online permit application system, Sistem e-Eko Rimba, currently doesn’t have the selection for Bukit Repin. In this case, you have to contact Bentong District Forest Office directly to apply for the permit. The staff might share with you a contact number of the officer who handles the permit applications. Upon approval, a guide (standard fee rate of RM170 as of 2022) will be assigned to your group.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Trailhead / Starting Point

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Trailhead Starting Point

8.18am: The trailhead to Bukit Repin via Janda Baik starts 这里 beside a road. There was enough space to park a few cars right by the road beside the trailhead.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Starting Point River Crossing

(+1)8.19am: Immediately, you will reach the first river crossing. Feet will be wet, so most hikers would wear their shoes after crossing this river.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Starting Trail
Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Starting Trail Plantation Farm

(+6)8.25am: The trail passes through some Orang Asli plantations.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik second stream crossing
Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Orang Asli Trail

(+17)8.42am: A stream crossing, followed by more dirt and rocks kampung trails.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik 3rd river crossing

(+6)8.48am: Another stream crossing. We met a group of Orang Asli and their dogs. Notice a smol doggo standing on the rock.

(+15)8.57am: Covering some final stretch of the deforested area for farming.

(+9)9.06am: Finally, we entered the forest trail. The atmosphere immediately turned cool and fresh.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Trail

As Bukit Repin is not a very popular hiking spot, most parts of the trail became unclear. Thanks to our guide, we had no issue passing through.

Last Stream Crossing - The Starting Point of the Real Challenge

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Last River Crossing

(+25)9.31am: Here is the last stream crossing before the most challenging part of Repin Hill Trail. We had a break on the rocks and removed so many leeches from our shoes!

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Trail after last river

9.44am: After the break, we headed on. The trail right after the last stream was very very steep and slippery without much to hold on to.

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Trail

Most parts of the trail looked like this, it is a rather steep uphill climb all the way to the peak. Somehow, with the cool and fresh air, we didn’t actually feel very exhausted, even with our battered legs from yesterday’s hike at Nuang. We just kept climbing non-stop with a steady pace. It was the slipperiness on the steep trail that was challenging, plus the distracting leeches that kept coming.

Bukit Repin Peak (1341 meters above sea level)

Bukit Repin Peak

(+79)11.03am: After 2 hours and 45 minutes from the starting point, we summited Bukit Repin.

Bukit Repin Peak

There is a mountain view area near the peak.

Bukit Repin Peak View

The mountainous view from Bukit Repin.

Gunung Nuang and Lentang Legong views from Bukit Repin Peak

You can see the peak of Gunung Nuang and Lentang Legong here.

11.53am: After having our meal at the peak, we started heading back down. The journey was so much harder going down, because it was so slippery. Every step felt like I was going to slip down the slope. The worst part was coming down before the stream crossing, it was the steepest and most slippery, with almost nothing to hold on to. Comparing it with our hike the day before, Gunung Nuang had a little more physical / endurance challenge, while Bukit Repin was overloaded with mental challenge for trying not to slip and get hurt. My brain felt very tired during and after the hike.

Bukit Repin Big Tree

Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Big Tree
Bukit Repin via Janda Baik Big Tree

(+156) 2.29pm: I had a very slow descent. The trail got much better after the first stream crossing when coming down. We stopped by this big tree to take a few pictures. I was just standing there for about 10 seconds to take a couple of photos, and guess what? Another three more leeches climbed onto my shoes!

(+55)3.24pm: An hour later, we exited the trailhead and completed our journey.

Chalets & Accommodations In Janda Baik

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2人评论了“Bukit Repin via Janda Baik | Slippery Cool Trail + Feisty Leeches”

    1. Hi Allen, the details are in the ‘Hiking Permit Application’ part above. A nature guide will be assigned to you by the forestry after they give you the permit.


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