The beautiful island of Pulau Kapas features white sandy beaches (hence the name ‘Kapas’ – Cotton), clear sea water, and tropical jungle. Other than water sports activities, Kapas Island is also a top destination for hikers. The most popular hiking spot on Kapas Island is, of course, the captivating Bukit Singa which I covered in the previous post. In this post, we will focus on the Berakit Jungle Trekking Trail of Pulau Kapas. While the Berakit trails and its destination at Teluk Berakit Besar’s bay don’t have a lot of instagramable views compared to Bukit Singa, the South side features a peaceful jungle trail, and the destination offers a quiet bay on the other side of the island, where you would often have the whole place for yourself.
Berakit Hiking Trailheads | Pulau Kapas
Since there is a loop for the trail, there are two starting points you can choose from the main beach area.
The shorter route (1.1km) is via the back of Kapas Island Resort (not enjoyable due to mosquitos and contaminated streams), where you follow the signboard to room 41-60 towards the trailhead.
The longer and more enjoyable route (1.98km), but tricky to go down to the bay at the last part (very steep), is via Kapas Turtle Valley at the South of Kapas Island. This post will guide you from entering Kapas Turtle Valley trailhead, to exiting from Kapas Island Resort.
After a couple of minutes up the stairs to Kapas Turtle Valley, you will find a lighthouse on the top.
The ocean view from the lighthouse area.
9.12am: This is what you would see when walking back down from the lighthouse. The stairs take you further down to the Kapas Turtle Valley Resort. Keep an eye for the less visible trail to enter the Berakit jungle trail.
The trail starts out nice and flat. My hike here was very quiet and peaceful (though I kept running into countless spider webs – sorry spiders). There are some small inclinations and a little bit of ducking here and there, but nothing too difficult on the trail.
(+17)9.29am: Occasionally there are sign boards indicating the distance to Berakit Bay.
(+1)9.30am: A unique tree named ‘Otak Udang’ (Prawn’s Brain).
(+6)9.36am: 600 meters from Berakit Bay.
(+11)9.47am: 200 meters left.
(+3)9.50am: The last 100 meters.
(+2)9.52am: Here, it gets difficult to climb down the slope to the bay. There were some ropes to aid the climb but some parts were very steep and slippery without a place to hold on to.
Teluk Berakit Besar Pulau Kapas
(+16)10.08am: After carefully and slowly climbing down the slope, I reached the quiet bay of Berakit Besar.
There is no sandy beach here but the water was very clear. Though I don’t recommend you to swim here, because the stream water flowing into the sea here seemed contaminated (I imagined it’s like drain or toilet water).
Unfortunately, this side of Kapas Island is full of washed-up trash from the sea, a reminder of the global ocean contamination crysis.
I found the shell of a turtle’s skeleton here. I wonder if it died of old age or due to other reasons…
If you come here using Kapas Island Resort’s way, you may face difficulty in searching for the trailhead to Kapas Turtle Valley. To find it, walk toward the right side (if you face the ocean) to the end, you’ll find the trail with a steep uphill slope hidden by the corner.
To continue on via the trail to Kapas Island Resort is easier to find. The trailhead is right behind you, if you are standing in the middle of the bay facing the sea.
Berakit via Kapas Island Resort Trail
10.23am: Enter the trail through the rocks with a small flowing stream. There were some ropes as a guide for directions. There were some big slippery boulders to climb over using the ropes.
(+8)10.31am: Eventually, after walking on the stream by stepping on the rocks, a trail will continue beside the stream.
Pretty flat and easy trail with occasional ups and downs by the side of the stream. The rusty-colored water was a big let-down.
You will have to cross the small stream multiple times and continue to follow it, as one side of the stream may not be passable. The ropes and trails would guide you through.
A centipede on the trail, before sprinting down to the water to swim and escape to the other side of the stream.
A slug with a transparent body on a tree trunk.
(+14)10.45am: A signboard indicating that Berakit Bay is 300 meters behind me.
(+10)10.55am: 500 meters into the trail to Kapas Island Resort, there was this junction to Bukit Singa. This trail is most likely exiting at Pantai Pasir Panjang near Bukit Singa, but it had been blocked off by tapes. The trail was probably not maintained and wasn’t suitable to hike at that moment.
(+9)11.04am: Continue on towards the resort. The trail moves away from the stream. Approaching the resort, a large scary swarm of big mosquitos started to surround and bite me!
(+1)11.05am: I moved as fast as possible to escape the mosquito swarm. Finally, I saw the light at the end of the trail.
(+2)11.07am: Exit the trail and walk through the resort.
(+1)11.08am: This was the signboard where you follow ROOM 41-60 to the back if you are entering the trail via Kapas Island Resort.
(+1)11.09am: Exit to the main entrance of the resort. I headed back to my tent at Longsha Campsite to complete the loop.
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