Bukit Maras Kuala Terengganu Hiking

Hiking Bukit Maras: Terengganu Paragliding Site

The area around Bukit Maras in Kuala Terengganu is a hiking site with four different hills in its vicinity. Bukit Maras is the highest among the four and its peak is also a paragliding take off site. During my trip, I have only used the main 4×4 road up and down the peak of Bukit Maras due to time constraints. If you like more jungle trails, there is actually a forest trail loop called ‘Trans 4 Puncak Bukit Maras’, which takes you to the four peaks through the forest trails. What I missed out on are some of the nice trees and big rocks sceneries in the forest trails.

Guide and permit are not required but if you like to go through the forest trails, it is recommended to have someone who knows the path with you. Fortunately, Bukit Maras Hiking Club usually has hiking events here on Saturdays or during public holidays, which you could tag along or ask them for a guide.

If you are interested in paragliding at Bukit Maras, you may reach out to this facebook page.

Bukit Maras Starting Point & Parking

Bukit Maras Hiking Trailhead Starting Point

Here is the starting point of Bukit Maras climb. There are some free parking spots there.

Bukit Maras Parking

About 200 meters before reaching the entrance, there is an additional parking spot with RM1/RM2 fee (I forgot the exact fee) if the place is crowded on weekends.

Bukit Maras Hiking Trail Map

Trail map of Bukit Maras, which shows only the main 4×4 trail but not the forest trails.

4.26pm: Start of the uphill climb via 4×4 road.

Bukit Maras Hiking Terengganu

(+2)4.28pm: It’s a long way up the slippery dirt slope.

Bukit Maras Hiking Terengganu

(+3)4.31pm: A mini stall with some mannequins that could scare someone at night.

Bukit Maras Hiking Terengganu

This 4×4 trail reminds me of the Bukit Batu Pahat via Taman Tasik Milenuim’s trail. But instead of a continuous steep uphill, Bukit Maras one at least has some flat paths in between to recover your stamina before the next steep climb. Bukit Maras’ 4×4 trail, however, was more slippery due to the loose sandy grains.

(+3)4.34pm: A subtrail to Batu Kajang rock formation. I did not go there as my focus was the peak, and a thunderstorm was coming so I didn’t visit it on the way back.

(+2)4.36pm: There are multiple junctions and split paths on the way, just take the main path to go straight up to the peak.

Bukit Maras Hiking Guide

(+13)4.49pm: A signboard telling you it’s the last stretch of 120 meters to the peak.

(+5)4.54pm: Finally, reaching the peak of Bukit Maras.

Bukit Maras Terengganu

Now, look back and be surprised with the view behind you!

Bukit Maras Peak

Bukit Maras Peak Terengganu

The panoramic view from the peak of Bukit Maras, 329 meters above sea level.

Bukit Maras Peak

The coastline on the left.

Bukit Maras Peak
Bukit Maras Terengganu Peak

A mini watchtower and the view from it.

Bukit Maras to Bukit Guang trans loop

The trans-loop to Bukit Gaung, a part of the ‘Trans 4 Puncak Bukit Maras’.

Bukit Maras Batu Biruk

Another forest trail to Batu Biruk.

I quickly headed back down as a thunderstorm was approaching. The 4×4 road was very slippery, hence tricky to walk down. The “ditches” at the side become the better path to walk slowly to avoid slipping my way down. It took me about 30 minutes up and 35 minutes down.

After coming back down safely, I headed to the famous Warung Pok Nong nearby for their fried squid and keropok lekor.

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