Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Perak Hiking Guide

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng | Perak Hiking Trip

There is a hill called Bukit Batu Putih in Gopeng, Perak (not to be confused with the popular hiking spot in Port Dickson with the same name), that offers an easy hiking trail and nice scenic peaks along the way. No permit required but there is an entrance fee of RM3, collected by an elderly man across the trailhead. It is recommended to go earlier to avoid the shadeless trail on the hill.

Parking & Trailhead

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trailhead Starting Point and Parking

Here is the Trailhead to Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng, you may park your vehicle nearby with sufficient space for parking.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trailhead Starting Point

9.44am: Towards Jalan Batu Putih, you will find this trailhead by the left side of the road.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trailhead

(+2)9.46am: Enter the trailhead, the trail will be relatively flat in the beginning.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trail

(+6)9.52am: In less than ten minutes, there is an open sky area where you can already see the scenic view across Gopeng green land.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trail

(+5)9.57am: The incline increases gently.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trail

(+4)10.01am: Shortly after the first appearance of some big white rocks, you will see Zone 3 signage up ahead.

(+5)10.06am: Continue the climb through a brief shaded trail with increased inclination.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Trail

(+1)10.07am: Then, Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng’s iconic big white rock can be spotted high up ahead.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng White Rock Viewpoint

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak Viewpoint

(+3)10.10am: This is the signature white rock viewpoint, hence the name Bukit Batu Putih (literally translates to White Rock Hill). While you might find signages stating 310 meters above sea level, you are actually only about 200 meters high or lower. The actual 310 meters high peak is about 500 meters away and is not part of this trail.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak Viewpoint

From this white rock viewpoint, you can see the other hills near and far away. You can also see some glamping sites by the Sungai Geroh river.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak Viewpoint

Photography tips: By the side of the white rock viewpoint (to the left) is a nice angle to take some amazing shots of you on the rock. Just be extra careful and not risk your life if you are not confident to go near the edge.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak (Not Really)

Most hikers usually stop at the white rock viewpoint as that is the main attraction. You may notice there is still a trail heading further up the hill.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak

Within 5 minutes of following the trail, we reached the end of it with further trail sealed off with tapes. It is believed that the trail ahead goes far away and was used by trail runners who participated in the Gopeng Ultra Trail event, as part of their 100km ultra trail marathon.

Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng Peak

Here is a wide space area with the same panoramic view with slightly different angles and closer to the neighboring hill.

After our hike at Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng, we had lunch nearby at Gopeng Hill Asam Laksa, before visiting the nearby Lata Merkor waterfall further down the road.

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