Lata Puteh Waterfall Perak

Lata Puteh Perak | Epic Tall Waterfall With Massive Shower

Lata Puteh is an epic waterfall in Perak, just by the side of the A6 road in Batu Kurau. Lata Puteh used to be known as the 3rd tallest waterfall in South East Asia, but had the claim removed due to factual inaccuracy. Still, it is one of the most impressive waterfalls I have visited! The trail to reach the waterfall was short and steep.

Starting Point & Trail

Lata Puteh waterfall perak starting point

We parked our cars at the space by the roadside 这里, near the electric house and water treatment plant. Right on the road, we are already able to spot the epic waterfall on the top of the cliff.

Lata Puteh waterfall perak trailhead

The clear trailhead can be found 这里, just after the bridge with Sungai Lata Puteh flowing below.

The trail passes by this small water processing building(?).

Lata Puteh hiking guide

The trail becomes very steep after that. Heart-pumping but not too challenging as there were many nice footholds from the rocks and tree roots, so it wasn’t a too slippery trail.

Lata Puteh hiking guide
Lata Puteh Waterfall Perak hiking guide

Keep climbing all the way up until you reach the opening with the majestic view of the waterfall.

Lata Puteh Waterfall | Perak

Lata Puteh waterfall Perak

Look at the waterfall, this is totally worth the trip!

Lata Puteh Perak
Lata Puteh Perak waterfall

Humans in photos for scale.

Lata Puteh waterfall

Not only is the view excellent, but this waterfall provides a massive shower at some spots, where the huge splashes of fresh water fell upon us. The cascades and rocks break the momentum of the water flow, at the same time creating a wider splash of ‘rainfall shower’.

Lata Puteh big splash

Occasional bursts of big gush of water from the top end, giving surprise big splashes at anyone at the bottom.

Check out the epic waterfall video of Lata Puteh:

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2人评论了“Lata Puteh Perak | Epic Tall Waterfall With Massive Shower”

    1. Hi Michelle, so far no permit required. The waterfall can be reached within 20 minutes, short but steep so do it carefully.
      Please take note that the place is being temporarily closed for assessment from 24 June 2023 till further notice, after two hikers slipped and sprained their ankles on the way down.


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