Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu Hiking Guide

Bukit Chendering Hiking Loop: Port – Peak – Beach – Lighthouse

Bukit Chendering is a small peak for a quick hike in Kuala Terengganu. Situated by the beach of Pantai Chendering, it is about 20 minutes drive from the heart of Kuala Terengganu.

Bukit Chendering Trailhead - Where to start & where to park?

Bukit Chendering hiking trailhead entrance
Bukit Chendering hiking trailhead entrance

The starting point or trailhead of Bukit Chendering is located 这里, right beside the entrance of the port (Pelabuhan LKIM Chendering). The port lets hikers drive into its facility and park inside, with a parking fee of RM1 per car, or 50sen per motorbike. The staff in the guard post of the port also get hikers to register their details before the hike, making sure they return safely. Sweet!

Bukit Chendering hiking trailhead

10.01am: Crossing the log at the starting point.

Bukit Chendering hiking trailhead

(+1)10.02am: Walk ahead and enter the trail.

(+1)10.03am: Reaching a makeshift ‘Bukit Chendering’ welcome sign.

Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu hiking trail

(+1)10.04am: I took the trail to the right, which was pretty steep and slippery due to the post-rain wet leaves. The main path up is probably on the left.

Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu hiking trail

(+2)10.06am: Anyway, the path I took joined back to the railway-like main trail very soon.

Bukit Chendering Peak

Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu peak

(+1)10.07am: And voilà, I reached the peak of Bukit Chendering in just 6 minutes. It is indeed a small hill, my body hasn’t even warmed up yet! The view from the peak wasn’t amazing, but the following journey would be more interesting.

(+2)10.09am: So, continuing on the trail past the peak, passing a cement platform with a lighthouse structure. This trail heads down toward the beach.

Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu hiking trail

(+6)10.15am: The trail heading down was quite slippery. Every place I stepped on that wasn’t a rock felt like I was going to slide. There were also a lot of aggressive mosquitos at this part of the trail.

Rocky Beach of Pantai Chendering

Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu Beach Cliff
Bukit Chendering Kuala Terengganu Rocky Beach

(+3)10.18am: And then, the trail leads to a cliff. A rope hanging down the rock face to aid hikers in climbing up and down the cliff. Although it may not be as difficult as it looks, it’s not for the faint-hearted.

Bukit Chendering Beach

(+2)10.20am: Down to the rocky Chendering beach.

Bukit Chendering Rocky Beach

The rocky beach view.

Looking back to the cliff I just came down from, thinking if I should go back using the same return route. There were two demotivators: the aggressive mosquitos up there, and the slippery path down towards the starting point.

In the end, I decided to try a different path instead. Based on the map, I could probably head North to the beach, and walk back to the port using the road. The path, however, was separated by a gap, which I couldn’t cross over without swimming over it. The water was pretty deep too.

Chendering Beach

(+11)10.31am: Not wanting to get into the sea, I decided to walk over the rocky beach Southward. To my relief, there was this sandy beach over the other side.

(+6)10.37am: After the sandy beach is a stretch of breakwater rocks. You can see the Chendering North Breakwater Lighthouse at the far end.

Chendering Lighthouse Breakwater

(+1)10.36am: Slowly walking over the large rocks under the hot morning sun.

Chendering Lighthouse Breakwater

(+8)10.44am: Then it became a flat concrete road with cubes of breakwater structures all the way to the lighthouse.

Chendering Lighthouse

Chendering North Breakwater Lighthouse

(+6)10.50am: Nothing much to see around the lighthouse. There were people fishing here.

Pelabuhan LKIM Chendering
Bukit Chendering Hiking Loop

(+8)10.58am: To complete the loop, I turned back leaving the lighthouse, and followed the road to the left, back to the port through the back road. After reporting back at the entrance guard post, I headed to Marang Jetty for my boat transfer to Kapas Island.

SCT Sotong Celop Tepung

What to eat in Pantai Chendering: If you are around here in the evening, do check out SCT Sotong Celop Tepung to enjoy some fried squid by the beach!

Kedai Sate Ikan Kak Ning Chendering

Or, bring home some fish satays you used to buy from the motorbike by the roadside, straight from the supplier at Kedai Sate Ikan Kak Ning Chendering!

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