Bukit Chorocho Hiking Guide

Bukit Chorocho 登山旅行 | 新谷毛鲜为人知的山峰

Kuala Kubu Bharu(新古毛) 的 Bukit Chorocho 可能不像附近的 Bukit Kutu、Gunung Gap 和 Ulu Semangkok 或 Fraser's Hill Pine Tree Trail 那样受欢迎,但它是一条不错的登山小径。到达Bukit Chorocho的顶峰大约需要2个小时,回程需要2个小时或更短时间。

许可证 需要向Hulu Selangor森林局申请。我们是当天唯一进入Bukit Chorocho的团体,特别感谢来自 Trailblazer Hiking Club Malaysia (THCM) 的 Kabir 和 Jason 带队。


Bukit Chorocho 登山指南

Bukit Chorocho 起点 & 停车位

Bukit Chorocho Parking

入口附近路边有一个空位,可以将车辆停在 这里.

Bukit Chorocho trailhead

那 登山入口 距离停车场仅几米之遥。

Bukit Chorocho permit


Bukit Chorocho
Bukit Chorocho


Bukit Chorocho Trail Map

有一条人迹罕至的小路在河前向左分支,所以请注意小径,并记住回来的路。为了确定,建议使用基于 OpenStreetMap 的 GPS 远足应用程序,例如 Outdooractive,那里已经有通往 Bukit Chorocho 小径的地图可以跟随。

River Crossing

Bukit Chorocho River Crossing
Sungai Sangloi

Within 30 minutes, we reached the river of Sungai Sangloi. Here, we need to do the one and only river crossing in order to continue to the peak of Bukit Chorocho. The river was slightly above knee-deep at that time. The current was alright but strong enough to push you off balance if you step wrongly. There was a rope tied across the river to aid your crossing.

Bukit Chorocho hiking
Bukit Chorocho hiking

The trail after the river crossing was an uphill climb all the way to the top. Not terribly steep in general but some parts could be steeper and slippery. At some parts, you may need to go through some loose soils with no place to hold due to the thorny palm trees growing on both sides. Walking in front of me is the GypsyTracker!

Some interesting flora found along the trail.

Bukit Chorocho Peak

Bukit Chorocho peak

In 2 hours, we were at the peak of Bukit Chorocho, 1106 meters above sea level, with a trig station with no view.

Behind the trig station was another trail leading to somewhere but we have no idea how far and where it leads to. Leave a comment below if you know where it goes!

帖子有帮到您吗?在您的登山故事和帖子中标记 @meowtainpeople 吧!

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