Lata Merkor waterfall, also known as Geruntum Falls, is located almost at the end of a road of a village in Gopeng, Perak. After our nearby hike at Bukit Batu Putih Gopeng and lunch at Gopeng Hill Asam Laksa, we visited this waterfall to refresh our energy.
The road heading to Lata Merkor is a narrow one. While most parts of the road allow cars to give way to the opposing vehicles to pass through, some awkward sections were too tight for two cars. Overall, it is not too challenging to drive there.
Lata Merkor / Geruntum Falls Entrance
Follow the map to Lata Merkor or Geruntum Falls. You may park your vehicle by the roadside. Before entering the gate to the waterfalls, an entrance fee of RM3 per pax and parking fee of RM3 per car will be collected by someone stationed at a house nearby. Lata Merkor opens to visitors from 8am to 5pm.
Lata Merkor Waterfall Level 1 & 2
The first level of the waterfall is just one minute walk from the entrance.
There was this dark washroom here but with un-flushable toilets.
Going up via the left side of the waterfall, you will reach the second level of Lata Merkor in a minute.
This is the second level of Lata Merkor waterfall.
To go up to the next level, you need to cross over to the opposite side of the river. There is a section near the second level with a rope nailed onto the rocks, crossing over the narrowest part of the water. Extra care must be taken as the opposite rock floor can be slippery to jump over to.
After crossing the water, you will find a trail up to the upper levels of the waterfall.
Waterfall Level 3 & 4
It took us about 3 minutes to reach the next waterfall level. This is the 3rd level.
Here you can look down over the 2nd level of Lata Merkor.
Interestingly, there is a manmade concrete bridge structure here. It has been abandoned and reclaimed by nature.
We climbed up to the right side, over the manmade waterfall under the abandoned bridge, towards the 4th level.
Did you know? Lata Merkor is one of the popular sites for Waterfall Abseiling in Gopeng.
After having our mind refreshed by the waterfall, we headed to Kuala Kangsar for the best Hainanese Chicken Chop, before heading to our campsite at Amazing Camp Legacy by VAT69 Veteran, to prepare for our Lenggong Crashed Warplane Expedition the next morning.
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