Selangor Hiking Permit & Mountain Guide (Malim Gunung)

Mountain Guide Requirement & Process in Selangor Hiking Spots
Special thanks to my hiking buddy, Jinghann, for writing this constructive guide on Selangor hiking and mountain guide procedures. Also thanks to the awesome mountain guide, Reena, for sharing the useful insights of this new requirements.
On 1 February 2023, the Selangor State Forestry Department reopened Taman Eko Rimba and hiking activities in the state. Together with applying for a permit for hiking activities, it is now also compulsory for hikers to use the service of a mountain guide (‘malim’) registered with the Selangor Forestry Department in the following 18 trails/locations (source):
- Gunung Semangkok
- Gunung Hulu Kali
- Bukit Genting Cincin
- Gunung Rajah via KKB
- Pine Tree Hill
- Gunung Hulu Semangkok
- Bukit Hulu Telang
- Bukit Hulu Bakau
- Gunung Semangkuk Gap
- Bukit Boyan
- Gunung Ulu Lenik
- Bukit Chorocho
- Bukit Kutu
- Bukit Kunong
- Bukit Unyang
- Gunung Nuang via Pangsun
- Gunung Hitam
- Bukit Chenuang
In 2022, 100 experienced mountaineers were selected by the Selangor State Forestry Department to become licensed guides. In August, to make sure that registered guides are well-trained and prepared for the job, guides underwent a week-long training in Kuala Kubu Bharu which included basic first aid training and rescue.
This page covers the general and some specific guidelines on finding and applying for the service of a mountain guide registered with the Selangor Forestry Department, based on my first-hand experience and other sources.
Why Use a Mountain Guide?
For seasoned hikers this may seem like an unexpected financial and energy cost, but we need to understand the reasoning behind this new rule:
For our health and safety:
- Some trails that require the use of a guide are day-long hikes that have a cutoff period (eg. you have to summit and return by sunset). Guides play an important role in ensuring everyone returns before the cutoff time.
- Guides are trained to recognise and manage risky situations. Guides are equipped with walkie-talkies to communicate with each other to ‘sweep’ those who have a slower pace. This ensures no one accidentally injures themselves in the rush to keep up.
- There are irresponsible parties who run private hiking trips for profit-making. They do not actually have the authority but claim to have permits and relevant experience.
For an enjoyable journey:
- Guides know which trails are closed for maintenance or due to natural disasters (eg. landslides or fallen trees). Even though most hiking trails are marked with a yellow disc or red ribbon, they can be confusing especially when there are multiple paths.
- Having guides who know the trails well will save time for the hikers, as well as make sure hikers find the best spots to take rest and for photos.
Selangor Hiking's Mountain Guide Process
Before the Hike: Finding a Guide
To find an available guide, you may contact the Hulu Selangor Malim Association at 019-9194471 or the Selangor Forestry Mountain Guide Association at 018-9741651. You may also put up a Facebook post for the latter.
The ratio of guide to hiker is 1:7. It is best to gather your hiking friends and decide on the hiking trail and date before searching for a guide. If you do not have a group of 7, you may still approach the guide – if they have any other smaller groups that are interested in hiking the same trail, they will recommend joining the groups together.
Guide fees differ depending on the mountain, from the cheapest RM250 (Bukit Kutu) to RM300 (Gunung Nuang).
After confirming your slot, the guide will usually communicate via your ‘team leader’ or open WhatsApp group with the group, or. The guide will recommend a start hike time/ end as well as what to bring for the hike.
Day of the Hike
You will recognise who the guides versus the hikers are by their red t-shirts: guides will wear the official Malim Gunung Perhutanan t-shirt with yellow logo.
After a quick safety briefing, you are good to go and will start the hike!
The guide should stay with you and your group throughout the hike. If your group splits up due to different hiking speeds, the guide will go back-and-forth to make sure everyone is on track.
After the Hike
Guides likely know the best spots to grab a quick bite as well. We highly recommend you to invite your guide to have a meal with you and your group!
We heard that the Selangor State Forestry Department plans to conduct an evaluation of the guides and the guide process in September 2023. To do this, they are releasing a feedback form to gauge hikers’ experience with guides during the trip. This form will be shared to hikers after each trip, make sure you fill it up here.
What about Permits?
If you are hiking a trail that requires a guide, your guide will normally handle obtaining your permit (do check with your guide on this). You need to provide the following details to your guide:
After receiving your permit, the guides will hold onto your copy while you are hiking. There is now a limit of 100 pax of hikers per day to avoid too much human activity from damaging the natural landscape.
Read here for the complete guide on permit applications for all states in Malaysia
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